Building Energy Management System as the Energy Saving Solution #3


Building Energy Management System should be made by all levels of the company. Both from the management to the operator. After you perform several steps that have been mentioned in the previous page, now you get into the deeper stages. Namely the application of energy conservation in significant equipment energy use.

Energy Conservation Activities as Energy saving solutions

One kind implementation of Building Energy Management System is energy conservation. Energy conservation at each significant energy use would vary according to the character of each machine. What to do in business is the Energy Conservation :

1. Data collection.
The data is in the form of operating procedures, energy consumption, energy consumption intensity of the volume of production, as well as operating parameters. From these data it can be seen how efficient the machine level and where the energy loss.

2. Analyze Opportunity for Improvement.  

After learning opportunity for improvement then made a priority scale in accordance with company policy. Opportunity for improvement does not have to be a change of equipment or repair equipment. Opportunity for improvement can be improvement of work procedures.

Each activity improvement efforts must be noted whether repair work procedures or equipment repair and replacement of equipment. The recording was made before and after repair. Not only the physical condition but also data of energy consumption, production volume and the intensity of energy consumption on the volume of production.

Energy Audit and Energy Conservation

You can conduct audit for an equipment by your self , but much better if  you call an expert. Supposing you will audit a boiler, you call the expert boiler. Then you can get what percentage of the boiler efficiency and the audit resulted in a recommendation of what should be done so that the boiler efficiency is increased. Supposing a coal powerplant boilers have an efficiency of only 30%, then the results of the audit found some abnormality in the boiler as well as some procedures that do not fit. By doing certain improvements expected efficiency can be increased up to 34%. How much should be done to fix the boiler and how many benefits. All of the data appearing in the recommendation of the audit activities.

It can be concluded that building energy management system as an energy saving solution is very important for a company. Neither company managing the plant, as well as an office building or mall. Keywords of implementation of EnMS is  socialization energy management system, the company's commitment, the audit and implementation of audit recommendation is the key of success in Building energy management system.

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Building Energy Management System as the Energy Saving Solution #2

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Building Energy Management Systems and Baseline