Building Energy Management Systems and Baseline #5


How to read data from the regression results are as follows:

R Square shows the quality of the data. The closer the value of 1, indicating the quality of the data, the better. R Square so if you are still below 0.7 then these figures indicate the quality of the data you enter is very bad quality.

If the baseline equation is written as follows: Y = AX1 + BX2 + CX3 + DX4 + E 
the values of A, B, C, D and E can be taken from the table above.


If the baseline is taken from the data of 2014, productivity performance year 2015  can be measured using this table. 
If the estimate> actual, it means you've done saving, if the estimate <actual then you plant performance is decreasing.

Read previous article : how to develop baseline using excel

Building Energy Management Systems and Baseline #4

Building energy management system using the data analysis features of Excel
After having production data and consumption of energy in your hand, then you must activate the feature "data analysis" on your Excel software.
Building Energy Management Systems
Click data analysis then this menu will show up
Building Energy Management Systems

Select Regression, then this menu will show up
Building Energy Management Systems
If we want to create a baseline consumption of gas and evaluate the performance of reheating furnace of the consumption of natural gas, then input Y range in from this data
Building Energy Management Systems

Input X range from X1 to X4. Click OK. It will appear in the new results sheet as follows:
Building Energy Management Systems

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How to develop baseline

Building Energy Management Systems and Baseline #3


How to develop the basic use Excel? as we discussed earlier that we need to develop basic to benchmark your plant. Why you should have a baseline? because if you already have a baseline, you have the standard of performance of the company. Baseline in practice could be a number of production / consumption of energy or in the form of linear equations or non-linear equation.

building energy management system baseline

Build baseline with the format of linear equations can be done using the softare excel. How to ? first you have to have production data for one year. Data in the form of tonnage and energy consumption. Energy can be a gas energy, electric energy and others.
Above is an example of production of a steel plant, where X1, X2, X3, and X4 is the total production. So from the above data, it can be obtained the following data :

In an effort to Building Energy Management System in steel mills, we will make three pieces of the baseline, baseline 1 to measure the performance of reheating furnace, baseline 2 is to measure the electrical performance, baseline to baseline 3 is total.

Read Next : How to develop baseline
Read Previous : Building Energy Management Baseline (2)

Building Energy Management Systems and Baseline #2

1. Appoint management representative as the representative of the management company. 
2. Appoint a certified energy manager. An Energy Manager must have a certificate issued by an independent agency. An energy manager must be able to plan, lead organization, in coordination with the Area Incharge, implement energy conservation activities, bringing the team to achieve the set targets management 
3. The management company must build a team and organization to implement energy management, led by the energy manager.
 4. Socialize energy management activities.
 5. Each element management should make a joint commitment.
 6. Provide sufficient training for all components of the company at all levels.
 7. Conduct an audit conducted by a certified auditor.8. Implement the recommendations on the results of the audit activities of the Energy Management System.9. Creating a baseline, set a plan and the target company in the field of Energy
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Building Energy Management Systems and Baseline #1

Building Energy Management Systems and Baseline (1)

Building Energy Management Systems is always linked to the Baseline. Baseline is a reference to the performance of a factory. A Plant has better productivity or deteriorating base on baseline. Baseline can be a linear function AX1 + BX2 + C = Y, A and B are constants, X1 and X2 are produktitivas when there are two kinds of products, and C is the total energy required.

Supposing the factory has two types of products. Then Format Baseline like AX1 + BX2 + C = Y, wherein X1 and X2 are the amount of production. A, B and C are constants.

A, B and C are constants obtained from linear regression. The data taken as a reference for establishing baseline is data when the plant is running under normal conditions with the highest productivity. So the baseline is used as a reference for next year.

In Building Energy Management System, baseline is the reference. If saving is negative means that the performance of a plant is decline.

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Energy Conservation Activities as Energy saving solutions
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Building Energy Management System as the Energy Saving Solution #3


Building Energy Management System should be made by all levels of the company. Both from the management to the operator. After you perform several steps that have been mentioned in the previous page, now you get into the deeper stages. Namely the application of energy conservation in significant equipment energy use.

Energy Conservation Activities as Energy saving solutions

One kind implementation of Building Energy Management System is energy conservation. Energy conservation at each significant energy use would vary according to the character of each machine. What to do in business is the Energy Conservation :

1. Data collection.
The data is in the form of operating procedures, energy consumption, energy consumption intensity of the volume of production, as well as operating parameters. From these data it can be seen how efficient the machine level and where the energy loss.

2. Analyze Opportunity for Improvement.  

After learning opportunity for improvement then made a priority scale in accordance with company policy. Opportunity for improvement does not have to be a change of equipment or repair equipment. Opportunity for improvement can be improvement of work procedures.

Each activity improvement efforts must be noted whether repair work procedures or equipment repair and replacement of equipment. The recording was made before and after repair. Not only the physical condition but also data of energy consumption, production volume and the intensity of energy consumption on the volume of production.

Energy Audit and Energy Conservation

You can conduct audit for an equipment by your self , but much better if  you call an expert. Supposing you will audit a boiler, you call the expert boiler. Then you can get what percentage of the boiler efficiency and the audit resulted in a recommendation of what should be done so that the boiler efficiency is increased. Supposing a coal powerplant boilers have an efficiency of only 30%, then the results of the audit found some abnormality in the boiler as well as some procedures that do not fit. By doing certain improvements expected efficiency can be increased up to 34%. How much should be done to fix the boiler and how many benefits. All of the data appearing in the recommendation of the audit activities.

It can be concluded that building energy management system as an energy saving solution is very important for a company. Neither company managing the plant, as well as an office building or mall. Keywords of implementation of EnMS is  socialization energy management system, the company's commitment, the audit and implementation of audit recommendation is the key of success in Building energy management system.

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Building Energy Management System as the Energy Saving Solution #2

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Building Energy Management Systems and Baseline

Building Energy Management System as the Energy Saving Solution #2


Building Energy Management System as the Energy Saving Solution
In an effort to carry out the Energy Saving Solution, Energy Management System is a foundation before conducting energy saving. There are some steps that should be understand .  Building the Energy Management System can be made in several steps as follows:
1. Socialization and training enough about Energy Management System to all employees in your workplace.
2. Appoint as Energy Manager is obliged to manage all the data and all the activities related to the Energy Management System.
3. Appoint a Management Representative
4. Establish Energy Management System organization.
5. Have a certified internal energy auditors.
6. Creating a firm commitment on the implementation of Energy Management Systems
7. Identify energy consumption: in the identification of energy consumption, can be grouped by area or system specific equipment.
8. The results of the identification of the energy consumption is data equipment major energy users or so-called Significant Energy Use.

What is Significant Energy Use in Building Energy Management Systems

Significant Energy Use is the largest energy consuming equipment. In a plant there are  many a list of equipment that uses energy. But the energy conservation activities you would have to focus on certain equipment. You must assign Significant Energy Use that you think can be done energy conservation activities. Which is the equipment that there are opportunities to get energy saving.

Significant Use of Energy set on some equipment that consumes the greatest amount of energy. With hope, although the percentage of energy saving is not great, but it has a great impact. As an example of an Electric Arc Furnace energy consumption by 60 MWh per hour. So if you are focusing on energy conservation in the Electric Arc Furnace and just get a saving of 1% only, then you will get a savings of 600 kWh per hour.

Priority In Building Energy Management Systems

Assign Significant Energy Use is a very important thing that you can choose a main priority, which equipment that needs special attention. The data to be taken from The equipment Significant Energy Use are:
1. Data of energy consumption and energy sources
2. The operating system or equipment usage procedure
3. The energy intensity in energy consumption / production tonnage
4. Operating parameters

Building Energy Management Systems (EnMS) is about managing energy usage as a method Energy Saving Solution. By setting and always significant energy you use have implemented some of EnMS.

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Building Energy Management System as the Energy Saving Solution #1

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Building Energy Management System as the Energy Saving Solution #3